Oct 12 – 16, 2020
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is planned to organize the upcoming CMR@IBR-2 Conference ONLINE. Join us in Zoom via this link: https://zoom.us/j/93745976641?pwd=TlZzOWpLYzdpWkdBNVEwTUdoQ2VuQT09

Invited speakers

   Invited speakers

Prof. Pavel Alekseev, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia.

PROF. P.A. ALEKSEEV is a principal scientist at the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" and professor at the NRNU “MEPhI” (Moscow, Russia).

His research is focused on the spectroscopy study of the magnetic and lattice dynamics in the rare earth intermetallic and other compounds by the inelastic thermal neutron scattering. In particular, crystal electric field effects, heavy fermion, valence unstable, and Kondo-insulator systems.



Dr. Borislav Angelov, Institute of Physics CAS CZ, Prague, Czech Republic.

DR. BORISLAV ANGELOV is a senior scientist responsible for the time-resolved X-ray diffraction and scattering (TREX) user station at ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS, located in Dolni Brezany near Prague.





Prof. Andrzej Baczmański, AGH - University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.

PROF. ANDRZEJ BACZMAŃSKI is a professor of the AGH – University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Kraków, Poland). 

Scientific interests concern the field of materials science, physics of metals, especially elastic-plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials.




Dr. Viacheslav Em, NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.

DR. VIACHESLAV EM is Head of the Department of Neutron Experimental Stations at National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”.

His research activity is focused on neutron instrumentation and residual stress study in various materials.





Dr. Stanislav Fedotov, SkolTech, Moscow, Russia.

DR. STANISLAV FEDOTOV joined Skoltech as a Research Scientist in 2018, a year later was promoted to a Senior Researcher position, and now is serving as an Assistant Professor at in battery materials design and production.






Prof. Sergey Grigoriev, PNPI, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Gatchina, Russia.

DR. SERGEY GRIGORIEV is serving as a Deputy Director for International Activity of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"- Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, head of the condensed matter research department at NRC "Kurchatov Institute" – PNPI, a Chairman of the Russian Neutronographic Society RosNeitrO.

The sphere of scientific interests is connected and determined by research in condensed matter physics by neutron scattering methods.



Prof. Dr. Evgeny Kravtsov, Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

PROF. DR. EVGENY KRAVTSOV is a Chief Scientist in the Institute of Metal Physics and Professor of Physics at Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia).

His research interests are to study metallic magnetic nanostructures with complimentary use of different techniques including neutron scattering and reflectometry, X-ray scattering and reflectometry, resonant X-ray magnetic scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and others.



Dr. Norbert Kucerka, JINR, Dubna, Russia. 

DR. NORBERT KUČERKA is a deputy director of Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joined Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia).

His research interests are focused on study of model biological membranes using the scattering of neutrons and X-rays, the structure and interactions in membranes playing a role in Alzheimer’s disease.





Dr. Irina Saprykina,  IA RAN, Moscow, Russia.

DR. IRINA SAPRYKINA is a historian and archaeologist. She is a scientific researcher at the Institute of Archeology Russian Academy of Sciences in the Department of Preservation of Archaeological Heritage.

Her research interests cover various areas such as archeometry, non-ferrous metalworking, ancient alloys and metals, technics, and technology.




Dr. Valery Shvetsov, JINR, Dubna, Russia.

DR. VALERY SHVETSOV is the director of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia).

His researching interests are connected to the development of the new type of UCN source at the pulsed reactor, development, creation and physical calibration of the neutron and gamma detectors onboard spacecrafts.




   Dr. Alexander Baranchikov, IGIC RAS, Moscow, Russia.

   Prof. Niko Froitzheim, Steimann Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology, Uni Bonn, Germany.

   Prof. Valentin Gordeliy, IBS Grenoble and ICS Forschungszentrum Jülich.

   Dr. Alexander Ivanov, ILL, Grenoble, France.

   Academician Ferenc Mezei, ESS, Lund, Sweden.