Searching for new nontrivial choreographies for the planar three-body problem

4 Jul 2023, 14:00
Room 403

Room 403

Distributed Computing and HPC Applications Distributed Computing and HPC Applications


Ivan Hristov (University of Sofia)


In this work we consider the planar three-body problem with zero angular momentum symmetric initial configuration and bodies with equal masses. We are interested in special periodic orbits called choreographies. A choreography is a periodic orbit in which the three bodies move along one and the same trajectory with a time delay of T/3, where T is the period of the solution. Such an orbit is called trivial if it is a topological power of the famous figure-eight choreography, otherwise it is called nontrivial. A specialized numerical search for new nontrivial choreographies is made. The search is based on a modification of Newton’s method used with high precision floating point arithmetic. With only 3 known so far nontrivial choreographies, we found over 150 new ones. The linear stability of all found orbits is investigated by a high precision computing of the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrices. The extensive computations are performed in the "HybriLIT" platform.

Primary authors

Prof. Igor Puzynin (JINR) Ivan Hristov (University of Sofia) Radoslava Hristova (University of Sofia) Prof. Taisiya Puzynina (JINR) Mr Zafar Tukhliev (JINR) Zarif Sharipov (JINR)

Presentation materials