Parallel computing technologies and rendering optimization in the problem of fluid simulation by the example of the Incompressible Schrodinger Flow method.

4 Jul 2023, 16:45
Room 403

Room 403

Distributed Computing and HPC Applications Distributed Computing and HPC Applications


Boris Tiulkin (Saint Petersburg State University)


The task of fluid simulation is computationally difficult, both in terms of the required computational costs and in terms of representing the system with a large number of particles. This study considers various methods for solving this problem, such as the use of parallel computing, rendering optimization, and optimizing information transfer between the CPU and GPU. The work was conducted in the Unity environment. The study explores technologies such as GPU Instancing, Unity DOTS, C# Job System, Burst Compiler, Entity Component System, Shaders, Compute Shaders, and CUDA. A comparison and selection of features and areas of application for each technology are carried out. An example of the utilization of these tools in implementing the incompressible Schrödinger flow method is provided.

Primary author

Boris Tiulkin (Saint Petersburg State University)


Valery Grishkin (SPbGU)

Presentation materials