54th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics



    • 1
      1. Opening of the meeting
      Speaker: D. L. Nagy
    • 2
      2. Implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC meeting
      Speaker: D. L. Nagy
    • 3
      3. Information on the Resolution of the 129th session of the JINR Scientific Council (February 2021) and on the decisions of the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries (March 2021)
      Speakers: L. Kostov, S. Dmitriev
    • 4
      4. New "Neptun" neutron source at JINR: current state and future plans
      Speaker: M. Bulavin
    • 5
      5. Small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer YuMO: status and prospects
      Speaker: O. Ivankov
    • 11:35 AM
      Coffee break
    • 6
      6. Report on the expiring theme "Radiation Physics, Radiochemistry, and Nanotechnology Investigations Using Beams of Accelerated Heavy Ions" and proposal for its extension

      Reviewers: P. Alekseev, V. Nikonenko, V. Uglov

      Speaker: P. Apel
    • 7. Prioritization of the JINR projects within the competence of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics: following up the extraordinary PAC meeting held on 29 April 2021
      • 7
        7.1. Report on project "Construction of a complex of cryogenic moderators at the IBR-2 facility"
        Speaker: K. Mukhin
      • 8
        7.2. Report on project "New semiconductor detectors for fundamental and applied research"
        Speaker: G. Shelkov
      • 9
        7.3. Report on the project "Development of experimental techniques and applied research with slow monochromatic positron beams"
        Speaker: K. Siemek
      • 10
        7.4. General discussion about the project prioritization
    • 1:50 PM
      Lunch break
    • 8. Scientific reports:
      • 11
        8.1. Magnetic fluids and elastomers: structural studies for innovative applications
        Speaker: M. Balasoiu
      • 12
        8.2. Investigating model lipid membranes complementarily by neutron and Raman scattering
        Speakers: D. Soloviov, Y. Arynbek
    • 13
      9. Virtual poster presentations by young scientists
    • 14
      10. Selection of the best virtual posters
    • 4:40 PM
      Coffee break
    • Closed session
    • 17
      13. Closing of the meeting