60th meeting of the PAC for Particle Physics

JINR, Dubna

JINR, Dubna

JINR, Dubna
00. Agenda
04. NICA
Topical Plan 2025
    • 09:00 09:05
      1. Opening of the meeting 5m
      Speaker: I. Tserruya
    • 09:05 09:20
      2. Implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC meeting 15m
      Speaker: I. Tserruya
    • 09:20 09:40
      3. Information on the Resolution of the 135th session of the JINR Scientific Council (February 2024) and on the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States (March 2024) 20m
      Speaker: V. Kekelidze
    • 09:40 10:00
      4. Report on the implementation of the Nuclotron-NICA project and proposal for its continuation 20m

      Referees: S. Nagaitsev, A. Sumbaev

      Speaker: A. Sidorin
    • 10:00 10:40
      5. Reports on the ongoing projects:
      • 10:00
        5.1. Implementation of the MPD project 20m
        Speaker: V. Riabov
      • 10:20
        5.2. Implementation of the BM@N project, including the physics results from the Xe beam run 20m
        Speaker: M. Kapishin
    • 10:40 11:00
      Coffee break 20m
    • 11:00 13:00
      6. Reports on the projects terminating in 2024 and proposals for their extension:
      • 11:00
        6.1. SPD 20m

        Referees: A. Kotzinian, A. Arbuzov, G. Shelkov

        Speaker: A. Guskov
      • 11:20
        6.2. Report from the DAC SPD 20m
        Speaker: I. Logashenko
      • 11:40
        6.3. NA61 20m

        Referees: P. Hristov, A. Baldin, S. Bondarenko

        Speaker: A. Dmitriev
      • 12:00
        6.4. NA62 20m

        Referees: M. Djordjevic, G. Shelkov

        Speaker: D. Madigozhin
      • 12:20
        6.5. STAR 20m

        Referees: Yu. Tikhonov, V. Ladygin

        Speaker: A. Aparin
      • 12:40
        6.6. COMET 20m

        Referees: E. Boos, A. Cheplakov

        Speaker: Z. Tsamalaidze
    • 13:00 13:20
      7. Proposal of a new project: “Development of a particle registration technique in future experiments with the participation of JINR” 20m

      Referees: S. Kuleshov, V. Karzhavin, A. Kulikov

      Speaker: Yu. Davydov
    • 13:20 14:30
      Lunch break 1h 10m
    • 14:30 15:30
      8. Reports on the scientific results obtained by the JINR groups in the LHC experiments:
      • 14:30
        8.1. ALICE 20m
        Speaker: B. Batyunya
      • 14:50
        8.2. ATLAS 20m
        Speaker: I. Yeletskikh
      • 15:10
        8.3. CMS 20m
        Speaker: V. Karzhavin
    • 15:30 15:50
      Coffee break 20m
    • 15:50 16:10
      9. General discussion 20m
    • 16:10 17:00
      10. Reports by young scientists on research in the field of particle physics (10 min. each) 50m
      Speakers: A. Ivanov, N. Koviazina, E. Nedorezov, K. Alishina, S. Romakhov
    • 17:00 17:50
      11. Closed session:
      • 17:00
        11.1. Meeting of the PAC members with the JINR Directorate 20m
      • 17:20
        11.2. PAC recommendations and proposals for the agenda of the next PAC meeting 30m
    • 17:50 17:55
      12. Closing of the meeting 5m